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Elixir is an organic soap and oil shop that encourages connection within Wellington city by bringing people together around the table and providing them with a shared experience in soap making. Furthermore, it connects local businesses through the sharing of produce and knowledge.  


The produce in store is organic, supplied from local businesses and facilities (community gardens). To embody the organic qualities the shop is designed like an old working factory, however it is elegant, clean and smells fresh opposing the dirty  stereotype of factories. All the products are exposed so customers can see them in their raw form and experience an authentic making process.


The main feature in the space is a long table where the soap is made, and all the products are positioned around this. On one wall are big tanks of natural oils that run through translucent pipes into taps on the tables. Hanging flowers run down the length of the table and create a canopy that creates a quality of intimacy within the space, while the flowers are also able to be picked and used in the soaps.  


Customers can choose to use the in store produce for their soap (which will be at a cost) or they are welcome to bring in their own ingredients and use the facilities provided to make soap. After the soap is made the customer then has the choice to keep it for themselves or to take some and leave some behind to be sold on.


There will be no till in the shop, however staff with expert soap making knowledge will be available to help the customers with making their soap, and will be able to conduct the exchange of money.

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